Turkey, Alanya
Company Type
Company Type
Real estate agency
Company's year of foundation
Company's year of foundation
On the platform
On the platform
3 years 3 months
English, Русский, Română, Türkçe
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About company

Founded in the USA in 1973, Realty World is the fastest growing real estate giant of the USA with 1.5 billion USD investment made for brand awareness and annual growth of %30.

Having expanded its operations to Turkey in 2005, Realty World had become the fastest growing real estate brand in Turkey with the growth achieved in the first year. Realty World Turkey sustained this success by obtaining the fastest growing brand among Realty World countries prize for many years and it has reached more than 120 offices around Turkey.

Realty World Turkey sustains its growth in Balkans by acquiring the master franchise rights for Bulgaria and Greece after the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus.

Our agents in Turkey
Agencies nearby
Turkey, Marmara Region

We operate a retention- and referral-based business, which means that most of the clients are repeat buyers and sellers or people referred by friends and family members.

We also have valuable recommendations for real estate attorneys, stagers, contractors and other vendors who can help you get your home ready to sell.

Our mission is to provide consumers with the best services of real estate companies, thereby ensuring that real estate is sold or rented in an exemplary manner. We strive to provide professional services to our clients and customers to ensure that transactions are completed to the satisfaction of all parties.

Turkey, Marmara Region

Welcome to TREM GLOBAL

Easy real estate investment.

We are more than a real estate company. Trem Global offers end-to-end solutions that combine overseas real estate investment, immigration and legal counseling services regarding citizenship.

Our team provides comprehensive consulting services to leading investors, family businesses, banks, investment companies, businesses, and private customers worldwide.

Share your expectations with us Let us offer you customized and personalized solutions. You can schedule a free first consultation call now.
Turkey, Yaylali
Company's year of foundation 2009
Residential property 9 Сommercial property 1

The company was founded in 2004 and since that moment successfully operating in the Turkish Real Estate market. To become more affluent and effective in the construction and real estate sphere, started to cooperate with partner company Ozdence construction in 2009. We are a company specialized in supplying a variety of services at a professional level. We identify trends for investments in real estate, select lands for exclusive projects, search trusted construction companies to cooperate with and control all stages of construction, marketing, management and sales. We have huge experience in building exclusive villas with individual projects in Turkey. In 2014 our new office in Istanbul opened to develop new directions. In tandem with the best construction companies, we successfully full-fill our mission and help our customers to find what they really need for a comfortable and good life in their own apartment in Turkey.

Turkey, Nizhnyaya Tura

Our company has been involved in real estate since 2014. We have successfully established ourselves in the Russian and international market. We offer our clients to buy real estate in Turkey to generate income in Euros and diversify their Investment portfolio. We have a comprehensive approach to solving customers' issues, from identifying needs to their satisfaction.


Turkey, Marmara Region
Company's year of foundation 2012
Residential property 3

 Mat Investment - A bridge between Turkish property developers and international property investors


Mat Investment  is a Real Estate Service & Developer company which is located in Istanbul, Turkey. With more than 10 years experience, it has a reputable brand awareness not only in local, also as an international.

Mat Investment  main job is to offer featured property opportunities according to clients’ need like family living, investment, unique for seasons like winter, summer and so on and so on. Every real estate client or

stakeholder has unique objectives, constraints, operational circumstances and economic realities. Mat Investment , drawing on their industry experience and unrivaled academic and professional credentials, have an in-depth

understanding of each client’s challenges and focus on how best to meet them. We serve a wide variety of clients, real estate owners, users and investors, with a complete suite of services, including strategic advisory

and transaction due diligence, capital markets and M&A advisory, restructuring, litigation support, mortgage-backed securities, tax and strategic communications.