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Dowiedz się więcej
The building in which the office is located is located in one of the most prestigious streets in the city in Pulkvezha Briezha. The area of Pulkvez Briezha Street, the so-called « Posolsky District » has long been known for its architecture. Here are the most picturesque Art Nouveau buildings, which are one of Riga's business cards, and the pearl of Art Nouveau architecture in Riga – Alberta Street.The most beautiful slingshots of Riga are only a few minutes' walk from the residential complex - 3 minutes walk from Petrovsky Park, 5 minutes from Kronwald Park with a picturesque canal and an elegant landscape design, 7 -10 minutes from the Daugava dam and the passenger port . The building meets the highest construction and technology standards and is located in Riga at 21 Pulkvezha Briezha Street. This is an improvisation on « Glass cubes »: The exterior decoration of the building consists of glass and granite. The building fits harmoniously into the environment, but at the same time there are no other similar houses in Riga. During the construction of the building, the most modern and high quality building materials, marble, granite, Aesthetics and practice, modernity and function successfully combined. Facades – Natural stone, aluminum structures “ Reynaers ” and glazing “ Glaverbel ”.In the lobby of the building the constant presence of a security service to regulate the access system of the entrance to the adjacent area and to the building itself. Office - sales area of 400, 2 square meters. The meter is located on the squares of the entire second floor of the building. A room with large panoramic windows and a window in Pulkviezha Briezha Street. The office space is furnished and has a well-kept kitchen with built-in appliances. Seminar and conference rooms have a separate room for coffee passes. The retail trade is equipped with a reception and unique lighting technology. All rooms are connected to adjustable air conditioning, ventilation and security systems. Entry into the room is possible with an elevator, and there is also a separate entrance to the second floor on an individual lockstairs. For an additional fee, there are parking spaces for four cars in the basement. The parking lot is protected from other parking lots by firewalls and entrance gates. Entry to the underground car park is possible with an elevator or a replacement staircase.
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