Apartamento Sarátov, Rusia

Rusia, Sarátov
Precio en demanda


  • País
  • Región / estado
    Volga Federal District
  • Ciudad


I will sell a separate building in the Central Control Commission area : shop + cafe (201 sq m) + 11 acres of territory near the building with a playground located on it. Current tenant. Location: The area of the Lenta hypermarket, state farm of flower and decorative crops. Advantages -The only store in the housing estate is 100% attendance. - Located along the path to the stop and to the Lenta hypermarket — all your pedestrians! - The presence of a playground and a playing field near the building is the stay of residents near the store and cafe. Cost per square meter 19.4 tr Acquisition of this facility is a beneficial investment, details by phone and meeting, call!
Actualizado: 29/6/24

Localización en el mapa

Rusia, Sarátov
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