Продается дом, готовый к проживанию, в садоводческом товариществе Романовка (Мядельское направление). Улица Подгорная.
О доме:
Трехуровневый дом 2014 года постройки имеет общую площадь 164.7 м2.
Фундамент дома возведен из ФБС. Стены и перегородки выполнены из керамзитобетонных блоков 40 см, утеплитель 5 см, Crossing wooden. Roof metal tiles. Installed PVC-Oknna. Материалы отделки внутри дома - имитация бруса, камень декоративный.
Отопление электрический котел, также дополнительно установлен твердотопливный котел. Water heating due to the boiler. The well is 38 meters. The sewage system is local, one well, 4 cubes, the bottom is sandy. Входное напряжение в дом 380 В.
На 1 этаже расположены просторная кухня-гостиная (33.4 м2), столовая с панорамными окнами, куда поступает много солнечного света, спальня (22 м2) и санузел. Кухня оснащена всей необходимой бытовой техникой, для комфортного приготовления пищи.
On the 2nd floor there are 3 living rooms (14.3, 12.9 and 12 m2), a dressing room and a bathroom. In the corridor, an exit to the attic floor is equipped, where you can also equip living rooms. There is an open balcony, summer vacation over a cup of coffee. The basement with a combined and garage.
about the site:
The house is located on a fenced area of 4.84 hundred -property in private property. In the courtyard of the house, a summer kitchen is equipped, a place for receiving guests and gatherings with a family where you can cook delicious barbecue, bake delicious hot dishes. Garden trees and shrubs grow on the territory of the site.
On the location:
Romanovka’s gardening partnership is 11 km from the Moscow Ring Road near the village of Paperny. The asphalt road to ST, in the STs of the gravel. The house is located almost at the beginning of Art. This is a great place for family suburban recreation: a forest is located nearby, the Vyach River flows nearby. The relative remoteness of ST from the motorway guarantees the lack of excess noise and contaminated air.
convenient access roads lead to the novel: it is convenient to get here both by car and public transport.
At the entrance to the STs, there is a grocery store with a decent selection of products and stopping public transport.
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