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A modern building with an area of 304 m2 is sold with the possibility of expanding up to 500-1000 m2 in the industrial zone next to the current enterprises "Tepli Zavodil", "Metalux (Doors)," Invight (houses from Sipanels) "and others. The section is flat - 17.2 sectors, fenced with a European collection with good access roads (2 races) with the possibility of expansion of up to 50 acres in the city in the city in the city in the city in the city in the city in the city in the city. There are 90,000 residents to find the employees in their team: Molodechno, 53 - two levels: two floors of 150+ m2 with different sides of the building are communicated with each other. (Production -Sklad -store) - walls and roof are collected from warm sandwich panels, floor - concrete.There are two entrances, one of them is the central entrance from the street through the stairs through the door, the second rowing rolllet 2.20x2.40 and an access ramp 1.25 m high from the sidewalk and 1.45 m from the roadway. - The roof is single -sized, with a height of 2.9 - 4.5 meters. - Around the foundation of the building, paving slabs are laid. In the parking lot you can accommodate 10-20 cars. Electricity 380 volts. The phone, the Internet and constant video surveillance from Beltelecom Central Water supply + boiler with hot water. There is a dignity of a knot. The sewage system is local 6 cubic meters. It is possible to connect to the central sewage system. In winter, the room was heated by electro-ik jackets. The temperature in the basement in the winter period does not drop below zero even without the inclusion of IR - statistics in the 4th winter +10C +12C. Heating can be made electric (100 meters to TP) or gas (300 meters to SRP) is ideal for warehouse, warehouse store, production, logistics center, building materials shop, production with low equipment, a packing workshop with a warehouse.You can accept the reception and issuance of orders of a regional scale for marketplaces, where a large-sized cargo is accepted and accepted. From a public transport stop, you can leave for any part of the city. Exchange is possible. *** LLC “Real Estate Agency“ Hundreds of Meters ”of UNP: 193505948 License: 02240/411, MU RB, 03/19/2021 Agreement: 171/1-24 dated 09/18/2024 Agency 171/1-24 dated 2024-09-18
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