Administrative premises (appointment - the placement of household services of the population) in the central part of the city of Brest with a total area of 66.4 square meters.m. The insulated room with a separate entrance is located on the ground floor of a residential building built in 2010. Hall with an area of 38.9 square meters.m, 2 (two) cabinets (7.4 + 7.3 square meters.m), staff room (7.2 sq.m), vestibule (2.1 sq.m), a separate bathroom (3.5 sq.m). Technical characteristics of the room: floors - tiles, walls are plastered, painted, windows, doors - PVC. Fire alarm was equipped, on-site - exhaust ventilation, individual devices for accounting for electricity and water supply, air conditioning were installed. The equipment in the photo DO NOT INCLUD in the cost of the facility. All options are considered. See in more detail
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