For arandydlya investments, you will recall: apartment, cozy complexion -ewespash. Options: completion of complementary is planned with 2023. Riion \ beach: Gazipashanav5kmotaerportavias 40 species The infrastructure is located in a lot of pipe -colored dwarfs. Riion -passing, open -dumpy -westwestorismasfereturism -pusodeliayejamyyakhitinabolshimaerorta, inhabitant effects: next to the central central ally, forkit Oraprozespopypermarkets, grocery -based fishing, restaurants of the ikafe, shopping and objects of objects of infrastructure; B1coptomplex is red -red -haired, restaurant -naberegumorye, Besandlyhayamyamiselinusikor. Chestvtovsikor: Nazar To the, landscaped territory, an open -winged block, open -bassain, a deed -barbarbeku zone, children's site, open parking. Invation is established by a lift, work by an instrument: Apartments are presented with a stand -up cleaning department, out of the cockedwindows, doors, kitchen -mebelly -finished rooms; floor covering - laminate. Prosedeninternet.
Planning are available:
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I can picking a beautiful metal Apricate vehicle vehicle, a preparation, after -sales service -shaped company. Completely interesting: New APPRESENTRAMENTICHETICHOGORYANARIONARIAPASH, Close -Komory, Airport, Military -Rifle price, for Investigations, Nastadia Building.