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Dowiedz się więcej
Kotor, Kavach district. Urbanized area for elite development. The area of the site is 3320 sq.m. Distance to the sea 3 km
Sea view
All communications are brought to the site
An asphalt road leads to the site
On the site there is a house with an area of 70 sq.m., which greatly simplifies the receipt of a building permit. The site is ideal for the construction of the Will complex
It is possible to buy a site in parts, however, this will affect the price for one square meter - since it will require the execution of separate documentation for each part of the site in case of separation. Buying this real estate is a reasonable investment in your future and in the future of your children! The Adriatic Sea is the cleanest in Europe. You can get here on a yacht - from anywhere in the world.To any city in Europe-by plane 1-3 hours
Before Italy - one night on a ferry
To Venice 900 km., Or 10 hours by car
Montenegro has the official status of the most environmentally friendly country in Europe
Air temperature in the summer +27 +43 degrees, in the winter +15, the terraces of cafes and restaurants work all year round
The attractiveness of investment in Montenegro Real Estate is due to the stability of passive income, the increase in real estate prices, the growth of investment volumes in housing construction, the stability of assessing assets in Eurorality, obtaining a residence permit, an imminent entry of Montenegro in the EU, a constant growth in tourist flow, a low level (almost absent) of crime, and ecology.
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