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Dowiedz się więcej
Bar, new four-bedroom villa
Distance to the sea 600m
Area 280 sqm.
Land area 486 sq.m.
Sea view
Floors – two
Outdoor pool 8x4m.
The yard is laid out by stone
High quality construction and decoration
The villa has four bedrooms with bathrooms and showers, a large living room with kitchen and dining areas, various trees grow on the site. On the top floor of the villa there are all connections for solar panels, so there is also enough space for installing a jacuzzi pool and a relaxation area
The villa is sold in a clean finish, without furniture
We provide interior design and furniture services – both regular and exclusive
Documents prepared for sale
Any questions on price optimization, payment procedure and other issues – solves only the owner of the villa – in person
Real estate by the sea with a competent location is now considered as objects of investment with year-round (rather than seasonal) profitability. Investing in real estate by the sea has become more profitable than ever.
The attractiveness of investments in real estate in Montenegro is due to the stability of passive income, rising real estate prices, an increase in investment in housing construction, the stability of valuation of assets in Eurocurrency, obtaining a residence permit, Montenegro’s early accession to the EU, the constant growth of the flow of tourists, the low level (almost absence) of crime, and the environment.
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