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Plot+house+bath+pool! A very cozy country house and a class bathhouse on a section of 9.8 acres are sold near the Istra reservoir. Direction:
New Riga (from MKAD to a summer house of 50 minutes without traffic jams, 1.10 to ordinary traffic jams on Friday), like an alternative: Volokolamskoye… Mehr erfahren Shosse, Leningradskoye Shosse (paid, free and further on the TsKAD and you are already in ISHER)
25 minutes from Istra and 3 minutes drive to the Istra reservoir
About the village:
Contributions 1.500 rubles are monthly Protection/checkpoint (barrier), garbage removal, snow cleaning in winter (coating asphalt crumbs throughout the village).Central water supply (without a flow limit) Electricity 2 phases 6 kW In walking distance store (8 min on foot)
Istra reservoir (1 km in a straight line)/2 km on the road (there are 3 entrances for cars)
The bus stop 2 minutes on foot from the checkpoint (buses run from Istra and, accordingly, from electric trains (30-40 minutes) At 8 minutes on the way there is a new five, Wildberries, tires, etc.
A 15 -minute pharmacy, construction markets and much more 5 minutes driving Husky Park
8 minutes riding horse center About the site: In the ownership since 2015, one owner
More than 40 thui 2m and higher, about 10 pines of stunted (European elite nurseries), colonial apple trees, cherries, apricots, cherries, about 30 plants and shrubs, a birch of a Jung and all the other plants were planted more than 3-4 years ago and the trees were chosen, which in 20 years will not stop enjoying freedom in the area.About 6 acres of lawn, football gates and other utensils :) Triangular section (1 catet 62m, 2 catte 34m and hypotenuse 76m) 10 KamAZ lands were brought to the site and it was leveled and laid. The entrance group (gate/gate) is filled with a 40cm plate for parking 2 cars (6.5 by 6m). Water (village water, output on the street for irrigation + is instituted in the bathhouse accessibility + additional well for sand 28m (was in the main house year -round accessibility)
2 septic tanks for each house are separate. On the site from the buildings:
The main house is 3.5m at 9.5m (2 rooms at 6.5m2 + kitchen with a separate entrance 6m2) + vestibule + toilet and shower Insulation 200mm. You can live calmly in winter. Therassa along the entire length of the house (coating the terassic board Bath 5m*6m Warm floors, bathroom 4 m2, shower, steam room 5m2 with the outline of the furnace in the vestibule, the living room 14m2 with fireplace and windows in the floor. A canopy and a terassse from a terasse board along the entire length of the house. The project of the main house is made, which will connect to the bath. Project as a gift!The foundation of piles is 3m + strapping + a channel on top At this place, the 4.4m*2.5m pool and Terassse for the entire length of the house 5.5m*9.5m have been installed so far. There is a sand filter to the pool. WiFi, video surveillance. The documents in the cadastre for registration of buildings, registration for the transaction are also executed. It is possible to sell with all agricultural tools, lawnmands, etc.Verstecken
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