For arandydlya investments, you will recover: the new Aparticopremiaclassanakholmakholmakholmaraholmaraholmarakayonarghydjak. The construction: the principles of the construction complex - May2022, the Azaverniya is planned to be planned for 2023 Evaluated RASSROKADOVITSIONSIALS. RION \ Beach: Kargyjak - Etotic, Prestigious Roraion. Dispenserichealic -intelligence system, beautifully drama -maintaining therapistocenteriada -firing port. Certping: a near -Kentrourayonaras Polunsopermarketmigros, vegetables, shopping, Friday -potted, embankment, restaurant -naberegumorye, purest dugouts; neighboring Bolshyonshoyanmutlarsmutlarmic anfrastructure.
Classee: Non -Wield Territory93 40m2 -items are used by1111 dwarf blocks92 sorters, open -bassainx horses, children's site, open parking, indoor Babasinspodogrev, hammam, Finnish Sauna, Roman Parnaya, fitness, saline rooms, massage -scab, fitness room, cinema hall, cafe, miniClub, closed parking. Supporting a suburban bait, alarmous vegetables; conducting a cerebral pure; blowing planning:
1+1 zipaduyuduyud63M2DO78M2;
2+1 -sized -fiber SPRIP112M2Do143M2;
2+1Penthaus -showsdueotuyudyudi12 0M2DO136M2;
3+1Penthaus -shows165M2.
2+1 Perevyaduhuot171M283M2;
4+1 Plati425M2.
All -adappartments are full of completeness, Council in -boncarniturniturum -equipped Sannes MOOMOSH, PROMKOK -Paid, after -Service -Service -Blood Companies.
to be able to interest: Apartment -Klekkleksvtikhsvtichkhorayonekargydzhak, close instrumentation, airport, for its investigation, insanity, cheap -rayed