Mieszkanie 1 pokój 120 m² Turcja, Turcja

Cena na żądanie


  • Kraj

Charakterystyka obiektu

Parametry mieszkania

  • Rooms:
  • Bedrooms:
  • Powierzchnia całkowita
    Powierzchnia całkowita
    120 m²


Metropol Residences is one of the largest in the World and the Largest urban renovation project of the Turkey. The project’s land area is more than 1.3 million m2 and it consists of 19.000 units. Shopping Street which exeeds 1.2 km lenght with 750 stores will make your life easier. There are many features that distinguish Metropol Antalya from all other projects. Health and education institutions, shopping centers, commercial shops, giant city park, hospitals, museums and techno-cities built in order to be close to everything.

The urban transformation project, which was implemented in the Santral neighborhood of

Kepez district of Antalya, was built on an area of 1 million 300 thousand square meters. Approximately there are 19 thousand houses in the project and it has 260 thousand square meters of green area. In Metropol Residences project, 1 bedroom+ 1 living room apartments are 47 square meters, 2 bedrooms + 1 living room apartments are 78.5 square meters, 3 bedrooms + 1 living room apartments are 118.5 square meters, 4 bedrooms + 1 living room apartments are 186.5 square meters. Let the paradise of yours in this world be your new home in Antalya by Metropol Residences.

Zaktualizowano: 26.04.2024

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Stopa procentowa, %
Okres kredytowania, lata
Koszt nieruchomości
Płatność początkowa, %
{{ initialPaymentCurrency }} EUR
Uwaga!!! Zmienili Państwo parametr koszt mieszkania na {{ differentPrice }}%. Wpływa to na zasadność wyliczenia miesięcznych płatności za obecną nieruchomość. Odłóż to.
Stopa procentowa
{{ loanPercentValue.toLocaleString() }} %
Stopa procentowa
Kwota pożyczki
{{ mortgageAmount }} EUR
Kwota pożyczki
{{ loanPeriodValue | pluralize("rok", "lata") }}
Płatność miesięczna
{{ paymentPerMonth }} EUR
Płatność miesięczna
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