For arandydlya investments, you will recover: apartment -based complexes3 minuthantmoryavayavet -ejectors. Options: began building is planned by actic 2022, aoconchanyanenamart 2024 years. Proced for the initial human being acted TREETRASROKAROCADOVICE Building. Riion \ Beach: Kestel -etoptable irion, low -cost survey, beautiful vidamomagorystoros, mining -real -meshitiyatmas. Current: Anticipterture -based production products; total 200 meter -free -modeling Michevs, a beautiful wack, sports ramers, Abizhekentrkes, shops, confectionery, bakery, bus installations. Route -flowing -flows, there is a worship of the naval -waist -baid, pursuitory -huggled Emayvkusnokunskuing. Documental to the central manner. Conscious complex. Conscum complex: complexity of 2 separately preserved lines. Nuthertoritopiasathaft -free -covered, zone of the dealership, baby Basinin, Finskaya Sosauna, hammam, zone -shade,Fitness, miniclub, conference hall, cinema, children's site, tenniskort, basketball/football site, open parking. The following are available :
2+1Penthaus -shows106.5m2.
Apartments are used to fill the completion, after -quality windows, doors, and a kitchen -prepared room Ami. It stands to select a coloring metal -quality equipment, a minute of the house, a headquarters, after -sales service -shaped company To be interesting: the new Aparticomplex intelligence -based territory, for its investigation, Nastadia building, cheap -torn price, close caverist, centruial.