Mieszkanie 1 pokój 175 m² Turcja, Turcja

Cena na żądanie


  • Kraj

Charakterystyka obiektu

Parametry mieszkania

  • Rooms:
  • Bedrooms:
  • Bathrooms:
  • Powierzchnia całkowita
    Powierzchnia całkowita
    175 m²


Crowning the unique beauty of nature with its modern architecture, Blue Canvas invites you to a life out of this world. Offering the privileges of comfort with its every detail, designing a life for your peace, building a happy future with your beloved ones today and make all of your dreams come happy memories. At Blue Canvas, you will only have happy memories and hear laughters.

Designed with the inspiration from your needs, Blue Canvas offers everything needed for a comfortable life. Large living spaces, spacious areas between the blocks, social facility areas for you and your children to enjoy during summer and winter, art workshops, and a nearby shopping avenue will fulfill all of your needs. Closely located to Istanbul Airport, situated on the intersection of important connection roads and in the itinerary of Istanbul Canal mega project, you will enjoy a profitable future and comfort in Istanbul.

At Blue Canvas you are connected to the every shade of life as your new home will be located at the crossroads of Istanbul Airport, Istanbul Canal, Northern Marmara Highway, High-Speed Train and main roads. Dynamism of city life and the tranquilizing effect of nature combine for an ideal life at Blue Canvas while you will easily access everywhere in the city and experience Istanbul as you like.

Zaktualizowano: 26.04.2024

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Stopa procentowa, %
Okres kredytowania, lata
Koszt nieruchomości
Płatność początkowa, %
{{ initialPaymentCurrency }} EUR
Uwaga!!! Zmienili Państwo parametr koszt mieszkania na {{ differentPrice }}%. Wpływa to na zasadność wyliczenia miesięcznych płatności za obecną nieruchomość. Odłóż to.
Stopa procentowa
{{ loanPercentValue.toLocaleString() }} %
Stopa procentowa
Kwota pożyczki
{{ mortgageAmount }} EUR
Kwota pożyczki
{{ loanPeriodValue | pluralize("rok", "lata") }}
Płatność miesięczna
{{ paymentPerMonth }} EUR
Płatność miesięczna
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