Mieszkanie 1 pokój 233 m² Turcja, Turcja

Cena na żądanie


  • Kraj

Charakterystyka obiektu

Parametry mieszkania

  • Rooms:
  • Bedrooms:
  • Bathrooms:
  • Powierzchnia całkowita
    Powierzchnia całkowita
    233 m²


The privilege of being in the center of life. A single place for all your needs.

Our project is done as a shopping mall concept. There will be many areas in which you can meet your needs. You can use our commercial areas both by buying and renting. Plus, shopping malls are also on sale in our project. The concept of our project can be used both as an office and as a residence. Our project consists of 2 blocks. The first 4 floors of the project will be a shopping mall. At the same time, one block is open to hotel investment, and the other block will be used as home office and residence. We also have large areas that can only be used as an office. Also, we have apartments with terraces. In our project, all of our flats have sea, lake and city views, and they are open and spacious.

Our project, Crown Top, is located on the E-5 line, which is the most important transportation point of Istanbul, and also very close to the metrobus, which is one of the most important transportation vehicles. Our project has universities and hospitals in a central location and around it.

Zaktualizowano: 26.04.2024

Lokalizacja na mapie


Kalkulator hipoteczny

Stopa procentowa, %
Okres kredytowania, lata
Koszt nieruchomości
Płatność początkowa, %
{{ initialPaymentCurrency }} EUR
Uwaga!!! Zmienili Państwo parametr koszt mieszkania na {{ differentPrice }}%. Wpływa to na zasadność wyliczenia miesięcznych płatności za obecną nieruchomość. Odłóż to.
Stopa procentowa
{{ loanPercentValue.toLocaleString() }} %
Stopa procentowa
Kwota pożyczki
{{ mortgageAmount }} EUR
Kwota pożyczki
{{ loanPeriodValue | pluralize("rok", "lata") }}
Płatność miesięczna
{{ paymentPerMonth }} EUR
Płatność miesięczna
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