Dom 8 pokojów 1 504 m² Centralny Okręg Federalny, Rosja

Cena archiwalna €14,80M
Sprzedane lub nieaktualne
Zaktualizowano: 24.09.2024


Kraj: Rosja
Region / Państwo: Centralny Okręg Federalny

Parametry budynku

Bedrooms:: 8
Bathrooms:: 10
Powierzchnia całkowita: 1 504 m²
Powierzchnia działki: 7 800 m²


Residence. Sale from the owner. Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway 16 km from MKAD 3 houses on a plot of 78 acres of land. The main house, the guest house, the sports and recreation center, and the guard house.  It was invested $23 millionin the residence. 3 houses are brand new, built 7.5 year ago, it was empty. One house has an elevator, the second house has a swimming pool, sauna, hamam, gym and the third house has a garage for 4 cars, 6 living rooms. It feild has a football and volleyball fields, a children's playground. The house has a secutity. The house and territory are kept clean. It is available for viewing at any day in the afternoon.

