Działki Kalwiszki, Litwa

Kalwiszki, Litwa


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    Okręg uciański
  • Okolica
    rejon ignaliński
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EXCLUSIVE LAKESIDE FARMHOUSE LOCATION!!! . In the Ignalina district, in Senajai Daugėliškis, on the shore of Lake Virėkšta, plots of land with spectacular views of the lake and authentic farm buildings are for sale. . ADVANTAGES: • Direct access to Lake Virėkšta, own 130 m. the lake shore; • Belongs to a part of Virėkšta lake; • Only a few homesteads in the neighborhood - spacious and private territory; • Authentic buildings.GENERAL INFORMATION: • Address: Senojo Daugėliškis village, Naujojo Daugeliškis sen., Ignalina district. wk.; • The homestead consists of plots: - 0.41 ha house plot with buildings; - 1.95 ha agricultural plot, which borders the lake; - 0.01 ha homestead plot of land with sauna building; - 15/1880 land plot, purpose - water farm, part of Virėkšta lake. • Buildings in the homestead: - Residential house, found, year of construction - 1914, total area - 108 sq.m.; - Farm auxiliary building, found, year of construction - 1954, construction area - 79 sq.m.; - Sauna building (year of construction – 1954, building area – 22 sq.m.); • Water - a well; • Sewage - local. DISTANCES: • To the paved road ~ 200 m. • To Ignalina ~ 10 km. • To Vilnius ~ 120 km. I invite you to visit at a time convenient for you! Have questions about this property? Call at your convenience. You can also call on weekends! WE ARE OPEN TO YOUR OFFERS! Real estate broker Egidijus Vaitilavičius Mob.You can find all the latest CAPITAL real estate ads on our website We invite you to visit!
Opublikowano: 11.06.2024
Zaktualizowano: 11.06.2024

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Kalwiszki, Litwa
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