Nieruchomości inwestycyjne Czechy, Czechy

Cena archiwalna €15,59M
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Zaktualizowano: 22.04.2021


Kraj: Czechy


The production capacities of 1,000,000 hectoliters (80,000 tons) of bioethanol for additives in automobile gasolines and biofuel production of 1,800 tons of technical ethanol for production of the cleaning and technical liquids of 100,000 dry waste of the spirit production useded as livestock forages Raw materials for production - wheat of low grades and triticale (a hybrid of wheat and a rye) Acceptance and warehousing of grain - grain is transported by railway cars and trucks and pours out to underground tanks and from where it comes by means of conveyors to elevators for initial cleaning. Product quality: waterless ethanol – concentration of min. 99.8% of hm. - excellent Technology: advanced modern Chematur continual technology. Supplier of Chematur Engineering AB Sweden. The license Chematur – Biostil. Condition of processing equipment: excellent – almost new Condition of office buildings and buildings production and warehouse and: excellent – new Technology process: completion Sales market of products is necessary: 70% - the countries of the European Union and first of all Germany and 30% - the Czech Republic raw materials Supply: Czech Area of the Plant companies: 5 gektr of a factory poloshchada or 8 hectares together with own branch line. State: 80 people


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