What do you recall: apartment of the complex of the Rujeenemachmutlar. The construction: the construction of the beginning 2021, the Aspachakomplexave Plane is planned 2023. The first -and -the -initial volume of 35%, the impaired percentagerass -in far -fetch ONISTION. RION \ Beach: Mahmutlareznitorzovyonaberegeregeregrazrediyrazrediye Motra, Okvrupuzkoyanogortoros, B30kmotaer Portage Zapasipashiiv 9th -Pophysical Center. Cummary: Make a murder of anelogical equipment, weekly farmers Knidesvs150 meters, Streetaturk Street, Completely Complete Summary Magi -Magnivores, 300 meters, there is an exposure to the Minor -shaped objective -social infrastructure, such kakbanka, trade center, restaurants, coffee houses Another thing. Complex complex: complex -built -grinders3700M2, where there are aimedly blockbogoga -infrastructure. Explited by an amplifier -in -infrastructure to move: minivodopad, vitaminbar, fitness open -open, chess -seizure, cyclingRunning road, bicycle parking. Soterzidypertvsidsye -bats, a baby bassain, an conversation, a garden, a sauna, a steamy sibliocracy, a children's grain resort, a reward -hinged -shaped room, a trilift, an electric generator, PA RKKOKUDLAAVTO. Territory is subject to the subsidiability of 24 \ 7, an azacomplex is treated with an accruing. Inituts: the schedule is: the derii -water -core, kitchen couples, ceramic stacking -quality opening, an emergency room of an emergency agent Speech, aluminum -bondedaries, a window -quality window, basic attribution, vannyekomnatyssantechnikiyshkayshkayshkayshkaps.
Apartments1+1 -platewheudyud49M2
TO MANY -REMENTRY -IMENTERIALYSTODYARY Ulong -handed, head -sales, after -sales service -shaped companies. Completely interesting: excellent infinition investments, athezedlate, westeet -ba -ba -dimensions, vast complex, near -Kmorya, centrualaaniai port.