For arandydlya investments, you will recover: apartment complex of therapy -mopy -mopyamyonakhmutlar. Options: began building planned -plane -nanagust 2022, Azaverniya - fuel and fifth 2023. The first -the -first overalls of the 30%, accessible torassrochkadokadsastra INITY. RION \ Beach: Makhmutlarterzniyonaberegeregragoveregomorye, Extremely Gygorteros, B30kmotaer Portage Zapashayv9 Openwap Avki, Saturday -Semic -Miles, Banks, Pharmacies, Shopping Democrats, Bus Stannings, Oil -Restaurants, Oil restaurants, Castle -Schools, Beautiful Sports Sports Sports Party, Equipped with Podluyaki, Cozypers RKI.Stovkomplex: Non -closed territory -groomed, consumer -in -end -in -end -in -end -industrial -in -lawscripture round -domestic suffering: Open -Basinin, Fitness, Finskaya Sasauna, Roman Parainnaya, Billiard, Bols -Basinin, BlackmarianThe deed -barbarbeku zone, children's site, open parking, generator. Inituts: Available Particular Planning:
Apartments2+1 Plat Until102M2.
Apartments are spaced with a spacecraft of a detour -warehouse of a harniturniturum -equipped Sansanuz Achilean vehicle, in charge of the use of it, a preparation, after -sales service -shaped -shaped.