For arandydlya investments, you will recover: the new complexesamedsaryonamyonamyonamyonamyonamyonamyonamyonamyonamyonamyonamyonamyonamyonamytrahotmory. Options: Construction of the complexion of 2022, Aza -AAPROLENA 2024 years. The first -the -first 40% Building. Royon \ Beach: Mahmutlartorzovita -Vygorayonaberegoveregomorye, Extremelygorteros, B30kmotaer Portage Zapasipashayv 9th Circuit -Robraciapid. Current: Associate professor -based premarkets, where aidized by the surplus, store us, fruit -stones, subbotnikybazar, banks, pharmacies, stores of IIB -INSTRALITIES, BUSTOMS EASTROVES OF RIGHTS, OICAFA restaurants, condiditeric -OPARNI, beautifully -winging sports planters, equipped with waterproofing, Uytnes nyparki. Culturex: Testerritory, open -bell, open -bass, Finnish, Finnish, table, gazebo, deeds, children's site, launzozonaubasin, parkingaviacyidov, generator. Invoaders: complexapartments.
Available Particular Planning:
1+1 Slopardia54M2I59M2;
2+1 Platuyadu79M2I888M2; 2+1Penthayupvyadui105M2I115M2;
3+1Pentha Upon aid145M2.
Apartments are spent a spacecraft of a spacecraft of a detourniturniturniturniturniturniturniturniturniturniturniturniturniturnita -zalamis -fluid vehicle; The bold -worships are bold -whaled belief go, after -sales service -shapes. Completely interesting: New Aparticulizhizumor, vsamsamserdceraiaonametlar, close -kebocaerorta center.