Mieszkanie 1 pokój 296 m² Turcja, Turcja

Cena na żądanie


  • Kraj

Charakterystyka obiektu

Parametry mieszkania

  • Rooms:
  • Bedrooms:
  • Bathrooms:
  • Powierzchnia całkowita
    Powierzchnia całkowita
    296 m²


Skyearth Residence welcomes sunshine to your house with its intelligent and elegant architecture. Live every day like it is spring at Skyearth and wake up to the sound of birds singing. You will love your life at Skyearth, where calming blue meets picturesque green.

After a long day, you can relax at the gyms, cafes, walking routes and various other social facilities of Skyearth Residence. Access to a spacious sea view from every single apartment is the most unique feature of this project. Exclusive duplex apartments with large terraces and breathtaking panoramic sea view of Kartal to Kadıköy await their new owners, you.

Outdoor and child swimming pools, Indoor swimming pool, multifunctional outdoor sports facilities, Fitness and Sports studios, sauna and steam room, cafes, kids playrooms, hobby and gaming rooms, trekking route, relaxation lounges… All at your service.

Constructed on a 50 thousand and 18 square meters area, Skyearth consists of 4 19-storey blocks with 268 houses and commercial units. 1+1 apartments in the project are 63 square meters while 2+1s are 91, 3+1s 162 and 4+1s are 244 square meters.

Zaktualizowano: 26.04.2024

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Stopa procentowa, %
Okres kredytowania, lata
Koszt nieruchomości
Płatność początkowa, %
{{ initialPaymentCurrency }} EUR
Uwaga!!! Zmienili Państwo parametr koszt mieszkania na {{ differentPrice }}%. Wpływa to na zasadność wyliczenia miesięcznych płatności za obecną nieruchomość. Odłóż to.
Stopa procentowa
{{ loanPercentValue.toLocaleString() }} %
Stopa procentowa
Kwota pożyczki
{{ mortgageAmount }} EUR
Kwota pożyczki
{{ loanPeriodValue | pluralize("rok", "lata") }}
Płatność miesięczna
{{ paymentPerMonth }} EUR
Płatność miesięczna
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