Mini Condos

Czarnogóra, Rozaje Municipality
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3 lata 9 miesięcy
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English, Français, Crnogorski
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O firmie

The idea of ​​developing this concept of smaller/compact apartments is new in Montenegro. In our Mini Condos™ designs, we work from the inside out. The interiors of the apartments are designed first to ensure that every square meter is used to its maximum potential, followed by the building envelope. This is also an unusual approach by architects who tend to focus more on the external appearance of their designs than on the interior architecture, resulting in many poorly designed interiors, and this is especially true in Montenegro for all types of surfaces, but of course the smaller the space, the a good layout is more important.

  • Wynajem długoterminowy
  • Wynajmie długoterminowe
  • Zarządzanie najmem
Nasi agenci w Czarnogóra