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En savoir plus
Exclusive commercial property, location - Street Retail in the most prestigious cultural, administrative and commercial center in the city of Karaganda, according to Buhar Zhyrau Avenue. High pedestrian and car traffic. Large panoramic windows. Parking. The room is located on the ground floor of a residential building and consists of:
1. The current Italian restaurant and bar with good cuisine, reputation and presence. Open in 2014. Italian restaurant business professionals worked on its format, the best designers and managers involved in implementing this project so that visitors to the restaurant could find themselves in a real Italian atmosphere. Detailed layout of the restaurant. Finishing materials, lighting and accessories offer guests comfort and comfort. Large panoramic windows create a romantic atmosphere for guests during the day and in the evening. The guest room is divided into three parts, of which the central hall 48, the blue hall 18 and the quiet hall 16 seats. There is also a separate banquet hall for up to 18 seats, to which the bar belongs. All rooms have comfortable and durable Italian furniture in perfect condition. All DUDSON dishes and English devices may only be used in restaurants. A wood-burning pizza oven installed in the guest room deserves special attention. The kitchen and utility rooms are arranged taking into account the proper functioning. The kitchen equipment is installed by the best manufacturers of professional equipment for MVM restaurants. In front of the central facade of the restaurant there is a summer terrace, which is divided into two zones & Ndash. Sofa and dining room. In the basement there is a common warehouse for dry products, wine, a refrigerator and a warehouse for furniture, dishes and accessories.
2nd. The room borders an Italian restaurant. Completely autonomous and has 2 central entrance groups and a replacement exit to the courtyard of the house. The room is used as a shop and office, Suitable for any type of activity. A great opportunity to redevelop the premises as an option (to a single office or retail area, two independent offices, an office and a shopping area, a café-restaurant (meaning a specific date)).
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