The structure of the apartment: the kitchen-living room, 1 sip, 1 Sanuzel, terrace.
conveniences: newly-linen-free fascaplassumure-bone-bended flowers. Improvement of a dimensional aluminum-gray flow. Polynavshterrazch terraces with an extinct borderline. Communication The surfaces of the round -pounding of the pacquitamism of the stone. Parking passing of the evaporation of the Kamennye Ayaifunctional planning. The full -powered is the order of the equipment. Initutednestone -pollutsatuquitual -lime -mesh -painted paintings. Narrowed -keen -navigable aircraft A ladder is planned to be discouraged by a crammal stitch. The imposition of a chopper -stroke -winged opening is assessed by a naple -a -aramaiciparket. There is a murder of extensions of the quality of the -quality dubaidrevsininsEquipment-technical technicians, splitting systems, electric weapons. Management of the company. taxation of the turnover is possible! Possible the Paul-Roversrochka101200 € parking lots of underground parquingezado filling!