A unique property for sale near Florence. Unlimited license for large and small hunting as part of the statutory calendar period. The total area of the estate is 1 320 and nbsp; 000 m2 (132 ha), of which 750 and nbsp; 000 m2 (75 ha) - hunting reserve, protected forest, 320 and nbsp; 000 m2 (32 ha) is suitable for agricultural activities. There are buildings on the territory: - The main house with an area of 1200 m2 is located on 3 floors: ground floor - wine cellar, tasting room, workshop, pantry and other rooms, first floor - common areas and kitchen, upper floor - sleeping block. A small chapel directly adjoins the house. The house has authentic frescoes, ceramic floors, Tuscan ceramic ceiling, fireplaces. Some sketches and early Gucci products have also survived. - The hunting house by the lake is about 300 m2 - Auxiliary capital buildings with an area of approximately 1800 m2 all communication takes place in the commune: centralized water, gas, electricity, sewage supply Full reconstruction of all facilities without constructive changes in the facade of the main villa is allowed. Construction of additional auxiliary devices (i.mi. without in-depth grounds). Legally confirmed ownership of the facility for the Gucci family, which allows the use of the name GUCCI for commercial purposes.