Apartment - 55 m²
Price: 214,000 $ (3,891 $ per m2)
Income from renting apartments:
Revenue per day: 116 $
Loading - 80 %
Revenue per day taking into account loading: 93 $
Revenue taking into account the loading of the object per year - 34,006 $
Profit taking into account expenses and taxes per year - 30,636 $ (15.2 %)
Payback - 5 - 10 years
Income from purchase and sale :
Purchase price:
214 000 $
Sale price:
340 260 $
126 260 $ (59 %)
Expenses and taxes on the sale of the facility are calculated individually and depend on various factors.
Total expenses and taxes:
Notary fee 1% (shares with the buyer 50/50)
Tax for sale of the object 11% (shares with the buyer 50/50)
Profit tax for a resident of Indonesia (10%)
Profit tax for non-resident of Indonesia (20%)
Conditions of ownership of real estate:
Land and real estate ownership - leasehold 27 years