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En savoir plus
Located on the Chernogorsk peninsula of Loussy, in the largest bay on the Adriatic
The sea is on the shores of the Gulf of Kotorsky, which is called the southern fjord of Europe, 10
minutes from Tivat airport. The last plot on the seashore, on which it is still possible to build a hotel of class 5 stars
The nature here is luxurious. Majestic mountains, the mention of the sea. Through the coast, scattered
secluded bays with finely sandy and pebble beaches, and in the district pine and olive
groves, authentic villages, private farms and vineyards. In a word, an idyll. The basis for the construction of the Golf Residences area is laid. For the development of the project
Golf sex invited the world famous player Gary Player. It will be built here
A professional field of 18 holes, the first 9 will open by the end of 2023. In general, the project
unique. According to experts, less than 10% of golf-fields in the world make it possible
Observe the sea from any point. The Centrale area will become a commercial, administrative and cultural center.The main city services will be located there: kindergarten, school and medical center,
Police and firefighter, bank, post office, car service and refueling, outlet-ruff,
Conference Center and sports complexes. New parks will break in the area, improve
Walking areas, galleries, shops and cafes will open on the central square.The cost of the site is 7 557 750 euros
Square of the site 16 795 m2
The total area of the complex is 16 287 m2
The total area of the aboveground
floors 8 382.34 m2
The total area of the underground
floors 5 956.10 m2
The total area of the hotel
14 338.44 m2
The total area of the aboveground
floors 1 620.60 m2
The total area of the underground
floors 328.23 m2
The total area of the department
1 948, 83 m2
In the first section:
Double rooms - 29pcs - 43.3%
Triple numbers - 26pcs - 38.9%
Apartments with one bedroom - 4pcs - 5.9%
Apartments with two bedrooms - 2pcs - 3%
Apartments with three bedrooms - 4pcs - 5.9%
Four -seater apartments - 2pcs - 3%
Only 67 numbers
In the second section:
Apartments with one bedroom - 2pcs - 25%
Apartments with two bedrooms - 2pcs - 25%
Apartments with three bedrooms - 4pcs - 50%
Only 8 apartments
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