The Apartment and planirvoky 2+ kk with balcony is Fored Sale. The total area of the Apartment is made 58.4m2 + by balcony 2.7m2. The Apartment is locateded on the 2nd floor of the brick house with the elevator.
In vicinities: Metro station: Invalidovna (1027 m) Tram stop: Vozovna shichkov (134 m) Bus stop: Basilejské náměstí (391 m) Railway station: Praha-Libe ň (2286 m) ATM: Bankomat Č eské spořitelny (170 m) Mail: Po š ta Praha 3 — Č eská po š ta and s.p. (748 m) Drugstore: Lékárna Na Vápence (100 m) Sports center: Sportovní a rekreaKní areál Prachakka (447 m) Restaurant: Restaurace Familie (21 m) Shop: Phuc Vu Van (141 m) School: Gymnázium Na Prachakce and Praha 3 (257 m)