Bureau 112 m² à Brest, Biélorussie

Biélorussie, Brest, Brest Masherova prosp
Prix d’archivage €85,196
Vendu ou obsolète
Propriétés similaires
Mis à jour à: 05/12/2024


Pays: Biélorussie
État: Voblast de Brest
Ville: Brest
Adresse: Brest Masherova prosp

Paramètres du bâtiment

L'année de construction: 8

Paramètres de propriété

Superficie totale: 112 m²

Paramètres d'investissement

T.V.A.: 0.00%


The Office, Brest, Masherov Avenue, Leninsky district rayonploshchad 111.9 м² is on sale; height of ceilings is 2.75 m, brick, a condition of the house: normal repair, natural lighting. LOT 3646. Room with a total area of ​ ​ 111.9 m2. with the possibility of placing a retail outlet, a service place, an office and a warehouse. Good pedestrian and transport traffic. Natural lighting, PVC windows. It is sold as a ready-made business in the way that the premises are fully leased. The bargaining is possible. Additional information: in a house, the lively place, the parking, access roads, the high-speed Internet ready business other opportunities: Office, Room, Warehouse, Warehouse + office, Trade room, Service industry, ParikmaherskayaSostoyanie: normal remontrayon: Centrploshchad the general: 111.9 m2ploshchad rated: 75.8 m2material walls: kirpichnyyestestvenny lighting: estvysot of the room: 2.75 motdelny exit: Additional equipment: NETKOMMUNIKATSIIGAZ: netotopleniye: centralnoyevodosnabzheniye: estkanalization: estyelektrosnabzheniye: is Selling 95 & nbsp; 115 & nbsp; $ , , , . AN Guarantor of Success. Guarantor of success


  • Parking
  • Un lieu animé
  • Voies d'accès
  • In a residential building
  • Internet


Biélorussie, Brest, Brest Masherova prosp