For the Crown of Hands of Economics, you will recall: villas4+1i4+2Premiclassical Basket -Zhrayononargydzhak. Options: Construction of thevmarte 2022 years, Activoping is planned with 2023 30%acting percentrass rod -console construction. Royon \ beach: Karghydjak - ethoptroit -rhioma. Dispensericling -resistant to a beautiful -fraud for the restraint of the use of aubi -central port Llnating -cleaned, pebbledings, as well as -product stores, supermarkets, Fridays, restaurant -nabereguumorye, beautifulnaberezhnaya, sports lands, bushes, neighboring, large -rayonakhmutlar. Test complex: complexes Tomitiz 6 -ills -Lixhinamiynihititiuses. BasseriSspodogrevsesystem “Artificial wave”. Naogentified territory of azavodillyphillyransenfinsky zaunahamam, electric generator, sadsavtomatic system of polyve, closed parkingacles. VilakhInstallation systematemato -pushing amulets, hydrophores. Territory, aimage -loving aims: alarm of ammummeriads. Inituts: it is a stipulate 6 -volume planning.
• Planning4+2 -mime -binding plan B-699M2, Own Supreme-400M2, Ivklechatevsby 4 Spalniya2 Gystyns. Pilly-Libra-Local Problem, a community of a community 677M2565 7m2; Villas-equipment-basins, glass-regimental, second-year-old Polokolkolgall;
• layout4+1-am Current Platopa-465M2, Own Supreme Power-260M2, Ivklechatvsbey 4 Spalnia1 Gyastin ADIU532M2I533M2;
• Laying4+1-ameto-plate-372M2, Own Superior-238M2, Ivklechatevsby 4 Spalniy1 Gyastin Located by the Earth Council of General Pulpathy524M2I564M2.
POSSELE OPEN OF Panoramic AuroMOR, Gorytoros, AlaNIIIEYENELESA. Flood -building joints, excretional, doors, kitchen -mebellyReady -made rooms. It sets off for a colorful metal -quality quality of vehicle, perpetuity, a run of paying, after -sales service service The Nomnaya Podnudltekh, a ladybird -mescaroblephellephellephelpetstrionarghydzhak, a spanorammalovidamorevsualania, close instrumentation of thelaaniaaerport. Suitable for the decrease of Turkish degrees.