We present to your attention the house in the village of Skorinichi, Senitsky s/s. 3.6 km from the Moscow Ring Road. Slutsk directions.
Derenichnoda1961 years of reservoir. It is aveduric derivative of it, because it is, because it is generally generally detained Formericroclimatopolation. Very-ecologic mello. B198888-percitual-designed-to-build-upsaburizkirpich NBDOMA 129.0M2, residential is the SPEN 52.2m2. inhabited a 7 -insulated room. Kukhnyatuyadu16.9m2. Domained roomsuituatuetat. KDDUMUPR Office central supply. Crimean, stacked. Domplexed by a gas flow. Confluent -bonasucuating
garage -item15.2mna6.90m196 year there is a spacecraft. Proopper -picked -up
Sarajimalization of the organization of economic equipment.
Domi -martyr.Convenient entrance